Day 23


Hello everyone,

I hope you are managing to stay healthy and not going too insane. 

Just another quick update on how we're spending our time and some tips that might help keep you sane. 

Having a project

For most of you, your projects will be work/home office. I made the mistake of completing all of my online, computer based tasks this week. I now truly have no work to be getting on with, hence the frequent updates. Many of you have been asking about vouchers and such, for now we would prefer not to create any vouchers. We have no idea how long this closure will last, and how our projects will look when we are allowed to open. A lot will depend on when schools open. 

We have spent the warmer days getting our hands dirty, passing time by getting into some woodwork, planting, painting, etc. I highly recommend this, especially for your children's motor skills. I will post some links below to our supplier of tools and equipment. You'll be able to get a 10% discount by quoting that you are a Pines client. If you have any questions please give us a call at 660230210 and we can talk you through the various steps of carving a canoe, spoon, placemats, etc.  

Starter knife

Great carving tool

Great fine carving knife 

As mentioned in our previous update, we have been sanding down and painting pallets ready for our pallet sofa. The result is below, we just need some more ivy, plants and sun now.

Newton and our new pallet sofa (his new pallet sofa)

Newton and our new pallet sofa (his new pallet sofa)

Staying fit

If you're anything like me you'll slowly be growing from the amount of food and 'ok one more glass' attitude. I was lucky enough to borrow my friend's bike stand this week (BTwin In'ride 300 trainer). Which allows me to turn my old 70's racer into a standing bike (I will soon have to invest in a newer bike...). I've been trying to use that as often as possible, downloading virtual spin classes and pretending I am battling for a yellow jersey (I don't have a future career in cycling unfortunately). These little stands can cost a fair amount, however the one I am using is the most basic and shouldn't break the bank.

Turbo trainers at Decathlon 

Newton with the new gym equipment

Newton with the new gym equipment

Our snack intake has also rocketed recently, as a result we have been trying to stick to healthier snacks. Kale chips and roasted chickpeas have been the most successful when it comes to avoiding unhealthy snacking. But don't get me wrong, unhealthy snacks are still finding their way to my plate. Spending longer preparing lunches and dinner is also helping me stay sane. 

Kale chips (no Newton)

Kale chips (no Newton)

Still no Newton

Still no Newton

Of course the news is moving so fast at the moment, new regulations are being passed, new recommendations, etc. For now we are in a tighter lockdown than last week, more layoffs and pay cuts are imminent and of course we are still awaiting news regarding the election and extension of the closures. All that we really know for sure, is this will not go away if parts of the population continue to ignore the quarantine. Please continue to be kind to each other, this is a trying time for all of us. Don't get too caught up on keeping your children 'working' for the whole day, do what you can manage. Stressing over activities and missed work will only make you feel worse and stress out your children. If you can, continue to support the individuals who are fighting this on the front line, it must be terrifying going into work everyday. As always, the Pines team is on hand to support the vulnerable and elderly. If you know of anyone that needs groceries delivered etc. please get in contact.

Do feel free to drop us an email or phone call at any time.   

Stay safe.

Pines team